Title 1 Information

Unable To Attend Our Annual Title I Meeting? Review Title I Presentation/information In The Documents Below.

School - Parent - Student Compact

A School-Parent-Student Compact for Achievement is an agreement that parents, students, and teachers develop together. It explains how parents and teachers will work together to make sure all students reach grade-level standards.

Our School-Parent-Student Compact Is Now Available! See Links Below To View!

Parent and Family Engagement

Volunteers play an important role in the daily operations of Brevard Public Schools. We appreciate all the help our volunteers give our students, teachers and schools. To ensure the safety of our children, all volunteers must undergo certain safety checks with an online application, fingerprinting, and a Level II background check.

Title 1 School Events

School Improvement Plan

A School Improvement Plan (SIP) is a central document used to map out a strategic plan for the development of the school. This plan aims to establish a unified vision and outline action steps/supports to address areas of need. School administrators use this plans to close the achievement gap, address low performance, and create equity in classrooms.  


Grade Level Expectations

The B.E.S.T. Standards will pave the way for Florida students to receive a world-class education and prepare them for a successful future.  Education leaders across the state of Florida developed academic content standards, creating  expectations for what students need to know and be able to do. These benchmarks are goals that students are expected to achieve by the end of the school year. The B.E.S.T. Standards are designed to ensure that all students reach their greatest potential.


Teacher Certifications

Kindergarten Orientation

Use your address to see what schools you are zoned for (elementary, middle, & high school).

Middle School Information

Use your address to see what schools you are zoned for (elementary, middle, & high school).

ATTENTION: New for 2024-2025 School Year!

School registration is now referred to as enrollment or re-enrollment and will be done online.

Enrollment is for new families that complete what we previously referred to as registration in FOCUS. This is for families new to Brevard and is 100% digital.  Instructions for this process can be found at Focus Online Application

Re-Enrollment is for returning BPS students. 100% of their documents are completed in FOCUS.  Instructions for this process can be found at BPS Re-enrollment.  Additionally, a video is provided at Re-enrollment Video.

Paper Form Information:

All paper forms are fillable PDFs and available in English, Spanish, or Haitian. Parents can access these documents at Student Services/Student Registration. Parents can find enrollment and re-enrollment information at the same site. 

Request a Bus Pass for the next school year only if you are changing schools

(example: Going from Elementary to Middle or Middle to High) or did not ride the bus this year and will ride next year. * Please only submit if you truly need a bus to help us with our bus driver shortages.

PLEASE CHECK FOCUS app to see if you are already assigned. DO NOT SUBMIT if already assigned to a bus and address in FOCUS is correct. If you move, you HAVE to change address with school before your submit this form!